Life Connecting Classes
Every Wednesday at 7 PM
Each Wednesday night at 7:00 p.m. we offer Life Connecting Classes for Adults (Children's classes are provided). Each quarter of the year, a new set of teaching series are introduced and offered. Come and check out the many classes, and experience discipleship in a way that's applicable for your walk with Christ.
1st Quarter
January 9th - March 27th
Fellowship Hall
The Significance of 40 Days
1 Peter 5:10
“And after you have suffered a little while, the God of all grace, who has called you to his eternal glory in Christ, will himself restore, confirm, strengthen, and establish you.”
This class will look at:
- Noah (40 Days & Nights of total upheaval)
- Moses (Sequestered for a Purpose)
- Israelites (tormented by a Giant)
- Elijah (Running from the Enemy)
- Jesus (40-Day Fast)
Sharon Bond
Youth Room - 2nd Floor
Tempting Stuff
Helping Teenagers Battle Everyday Temptations
In this DVD-based study, Kurt Johnston and Katie Edwards helps students overcome temptation by understanding it from a biblical perspective. Inside you'll find everything you need to lead a small group discussion that will strengthen students' resolve and prepare them for a life-long battle with temptation.
Pastor Brian & Team
Young Married's Fellowship
Prayer Room
The Book of Hebrews
On this quarter we will walk through the book of Hebrews and talk about its relevance to Christians today. We will challenge ourselves to divert our attention from the troubles in this world, turn to Jesus’ presence, and encourage you to persevere.
James & Fania Bond
Young Adults
North Hallway Room 1
Coffee & Conversation
This class will be studying various subjects relevant to today’s young Christian believers. Come join in our informal coffeehouse setting and enjoy something to drink along with great teaching and conversation.
Theryn Doty
North Hallway Room 2
Los 12 Discipulos
Este trimestre estaremos enseñando acerca de los 12 apóstoles. Con la introducción de Mathew 10: 1 - 4, y su misión Mathew 10: 5-15, y finalice con una descripción para cada uno; el llamado, la fortaleza y la debilidad, la familia, etc. Esto será paralelo a la serie de milagros de los domingos para ayudarnos a comprender el punto de vista de los discípulos y cómo Dios desafiará su fe y confrontará la verdad de que Jesús murió en la cruz. El único plan para la salvación de toda la nación a través de Jesucristo.
This quarter we will be teaching about the 12 Apostles. With the introduction of Mathew 10:1 – 4, and their mission Mathew 10: 5-15, and finish with a description for each one; the call, strength and weaknesses, family, etc. This will parallel with the series of miracles fromSundays to help us to understand the point of view of the disciples and how God will challenge their faith and confront the truth that Jesus dying on the cross was the only plan for the salvation of all the nation through Jesus Christ.
Pastor Felix & Nery Hernandez
North West Side of Gymnasium
Children's Classes for All Ages
Nursery Care & Kidz Club are classes designed for children of all ages.
Jeff & Christine Doty